Our Initiatives
This is who we are, what we do and how we make a difference in our community here in Ulverston

Ulverston Mens Group
Ulverston Library - Mondays 6.30-8.30pm
Our first initiative started in 2018, Ulverston Mens Group is a safe place for men to meet, find friendship and develop resilience. We aim to help men to be open, to talk and share their problems in an environment where they can find support and encouragement. All men learn an important rule in this group; that it is OK to not be OK.
Come and join us for a cuppa, a biscuit, for some laughs and see how you can be stronger by being together with others.
Ulverston Womens Social Support Group
Ulverston Library - Tuesdays 6.30-8.30pm
Ulverston Womens Social Support Group is a safe place for women to meet, find friendship and develop resilience. We aim to help women be open, to talk and share in an environment where they can find support and encouragement. The group welcomes women of all ages and backgrounds.
Come and join us for a cuppa, a biscuit, for some laughs and see how you can be stronger by being together with others.

Ulverston Bike Project
Wednesdays - Ulverston Library 3-6pm
At Ulverston Bike Project, we accept donated second hand bikes and restore/rebuild them and then sell them at a price everyone can afford, which helps us to raise essential funds for Community Solutions. We have a team of volunteers who enjoy getting together every week and turn as much of our donated stock into useable bikes again. We also donate many bikes to good causes.
If you need a bike or fancy joining us as a volunteer, then pop along to see Alasdair or Sten at the Library.
Walk & Talk Ulverston
Meet once a month for social walks.
The Walk & Talk - Ulverston project brings people together in the great outdoors for fresh air and gentle exercise in a safe and supportive environment where everyone is welcome. For anyone struggling to get outdoors and for anyone feeling a little isolated, this is a great place to meet new people and enjoy all that our local area has to offer in walks and views as well as fresh air, nature and fun.
Join our online group and see when our next walk is so you can come and join us.

Blue Beard Initiative
Online Membership and Forums
The Blue Beard Initiative was founded by one of our members to provide a place online across various social media platforms where men can be encouraged to safely share their challenges and worries without fear of criticism and where the only result will be positivity and support. By sharing, contributors are also encouraging others to share and the initiative aims to destroy many stereotypes in society that make men feel that they cannot admit to their problems and cannot show emotions.
In the Blue Beard Initiative, It is ALWAYS OK to not be OK.
Fresh Start Project
A reactive initiative to help specific vulnerable people in our community.
The Fresh Start Project was initially an idea conceptualised by our mens group members and its aim is to provide a reactive source of mentorship, practical and/or financial support for anyone in our community who is particularly vulnerable or at risk of poverty or homelessness. We will react to referred cases and attempt to assist an individual or family to reverse their predicament and achieve a fresh start.
If you know of someone in need of urgent assistance in your community, then please get in touch immediately at community.solutions@outlook.com

Ulverston Military Veterans Support Group
A new online membership & forum for support
One of our newest initiatives is to help military veterans in the area to have a place where they can connect with fellow veterans for friendship and support. The South Lakes has very little to offer veterans in the way of support. When members of the armed forces finish their service and return home, they often lose the connection and solidarity they had in the forces. This group aims to bring veterans together in the area in the hope that they can connect with others and then come together to define how the initiative can grow to support them on a day to day basis to re-build a life after the military..
Get in touch or join our group page if you are interested to get involved.
Community Wellness Ulverston
A shell initiative used for raising funds for health & wellness equipment & projects
Community Wellness Ulverston is a shell initiative that exists to bring focus to health & wellness projects. It is an identity that any of our groups or initiatives can use in order to help us to raise funds for equipment or specific projects that will help any of our members achieve health or wellness goals.
If you are a member of one of our groups or you are a member of the community that can see potential for a health or wellness initiative, then get in touch now.